Monday, June 7, 2010

Day One at Harlaxton

Well, as you can imagine, I'm not in France any more. I'm still trying to get over it a little. I just said good bye this morning to Madame and Monsieur and now I'm staying in a whole other country with a whole other set of priorities and goals. England may not hold the same challenges and excitement it seems as an environment in a different language but I expect to learn a lot from this place, mainly how to get around with a mansion in the middle of the country as my home base. My prediction is getting to know very well the taxi drivers here. One of them is suppose to have a special student rate from the manor to the station that is three miles from here.

Speaking of the manor, what I'm doing exactly for the next five weeks in saying at Harlaxton College, an outpost campus of University of Evansville in Indiana. UE shares the manor with other schools such as Eastern Illinois University, my university for groups of students and professors to come throughout the year to study and be in Europe while gaining American credit hours along the way. I'm with two English professors from EIU and EIU students and we will all be studying British Literature with a focus on how different locations in England helped influence some of literature's most important writers. This week is Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice. Class discussion starts at nine in the morning until noon with the afternoon off. I'm very curious what the homework will be like. From what I understand at least journal entries will be included. I shall let you know.

Mainly right now, I'm just getting my bearings and figuring out how this place works and how that will affect my studying and traveling. Hope to be more in the know tomorrow!

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